Vitenskapelig behandling av M.E. med god effekt

Bra at ME-forskarane i verden samarbeider! by Sun
november 3, 2008, 16:04
Filed under: M.E., M.E. i media, M.E.-lenker

Eg hugsar at eg blei glad då eg las i ME-bladet at Daniel L. Peterson og co skulle lage dette senteret i Nevada. Hugsar også at senteret ikkje kunne ha ME/CFS i namnet, for elles fekk dei ikkje støtte i USA!! Her er mykje interressant
Daniel L. Peterson, MD, Medical Director:
«He has been caring for patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), for two decades, and his clinical work is complimented by a strong commitment to research as evidenced by his participation in more than 17 research studies and his foresight to collect and maintain the world’s single largest repository of ME/CFS patient samples.»

Synst det er veldig bra at De Meirleir samarbeider med Daniel L. Peterson: … #PPA265,M1

Prof. Kenny De Meirleir MD PhD is Professor of Physiology, Pathophysiology, Internal Medicine and Sports Medicine at Vrije Universiteit, Brussels, and Clinical Professor, University of Nevada Medical School, USA.
( … temid=1062),M1

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