Vitenskapelig behandling av M.E. med god effekt

Kjempegod nyheit :-) by Sun

Kjempegod nyheit 🙂

Professor dr. med. Kenny De Meirleir er no med i ei veldig viktig
ME-forskningsgruppe i USA, invitert av to andre
som også er solide «hjørnesteinar» i ME-forskning gjennom mange år: Dr. Derek Enlander og Dr. David Bell.

Mt. Sinai ME/CFS conference – De Meirleir lecture:


Referat fra Dr. Enlanders ME-konferanse på Mt. Sinai Hospital 20.11.11

Konferanse på Dr. Enlanders nye ME-senter 20.11.11

CFS & The Viral Connection – The recording of Dr. Anthony Komaroff’s webinar by drstockmann
september 22, 2010, 15:36
Filed under: M.E., M.E. på Youtube

KDMs presentasjon fra XMRV-konferansen by Sun

Hei 🙂

Ja, visste at det kom noke spennande 😉


Dette er frå Frank Twisk si side (nederlender) men ser du nederst på sida, så finn du den engelske teksten. Han har sett opp resultata på studien veldig tydelig, og utheva det som er viktigast.

«RESULTS ( Prof.dr. med. Kenny De Meirleir og co)

The number of CD3+ T cells and CD57+ lymphocytes
was significantly lower
compared to the reference values.

C4a and elastase activity
were significantly higher
in the XMRV positive CFS population.

Soluble CD14
which codes for LPS in the plasma

was significantly higher
at p < 0.001 compared to the reference population.

XMRV positive CFS patients
had significantly higher
serum IL-10, MCP-1 , MIP-1 beta and IL-8 levels.

Serum levels of other cytokines
(IL-12, IL-1 beta, IL-6, TGF-beta and alpha-TNF)
were not statistically different
compared to the reference values.

Other lymphocyte subsets
no difference from the reference in the XMRV positive patients.

Stool lgA and lgG3
were statistically lower
in the XMRV positive patients.


The results of this preliminary study in a limited number of subjects
show that XMRV positive CFS patients have
lower than normal levels of lymphocytes and low numbers of CD57+ lymphocyte subtype
as in HIV.

The absolute numbers of CD4+ and CD8+T cells
were not statistically different from the reference values,
but expanding this study to a larger number of patients is necessary
to make solid statements in this regard.

XMRV-positive CFS patients have an activated innate immune system
(elastase activity, increased C4a)
which could be related to microbial translocation
as their sCD14 is significantly higher than expected;
sCD14 strongly correlates with plasma LPS 1.

Low stool IgA (in some of these 16 patients it was undetectable)
also points towards a dysfunctional mucosa-associated lymphomal tissue (MALT)
in XMRV-positive CFS patients.

Furthermore we found that
these patients as a group have lower than normal lgG3 serum levels.

The cytokines IL-8, IL-10, MCP-1 and MIP-1beta are increased
and might constitute a biological signature for the viral infection.

These observations and others
(unpublished data on serum levels of LPS in CFS patients)
provide evidence for
microbial translocation
being part of
the pathophysiology
of XMRV positive patients.»

Mvh Sun

Glutathione by Sun
februar 12, 2009, 22:15
Filed under: KDM, M.E., M.E. i media, M.E. på Youtube, M.E.-behandling i Belgia, M.E.-lenker

Glutationnivået er lavt hos ME-pasienter.

Mange av oss som er Professor De Meirleir sine pasientar
skal ta glutathione.
Grunnen til at enkelte av oss kan reagere på det, er vel pga at det også har ein avgiftningsfunksjon.
Viktig å drikke nok vatn. Det brukar KDM å skrive på behandlingsplanen, ofte 3 liter pr dag i begynnelsen.

Diagnostic blood test for ME/CFS coming by drstockmann
desember 27, 2008, 11:42
Filed under: M.E., M.E. i media, M.E. på Youtube

ME/CFS – Doctors disbelief kills young woman by drstockmann
oktober 25, 2008, 01:39
Filed under: M.E. på Youtube

The Scientific Basis of CFS/CFIDS/ME. by drstockmann
oktober 25, 2008, 00:57
Filed under: M.E. på Youtube